Friday, July 27, 2018

Proposed Scholarship Program Would Assist Latchkey Children

Michael Luna leverages more than two decades of experience in the wireless data industry to his role as the chief technology officer of Aliphcom (dba Jawbone) in San Francisco, where he oversees the creation of sensors and systems for various domains. Outside of his endeavors with Jawbone, Michael Luna is working to establish a scholarship program for latchkey children who may benefit from the structure and discipline offered by equine training and martial arts programs. 

The program would provide eligible children with scholarships to attend a five-week marital arts or equine care program. In order to maintain eligibility for a scholarship, children would need to adhere to several requirements. Their parents must ensure that they attend a minimum of one sparring and training session per week. Children must also agree to regular check-ins with a formal life coach and commit to completing their homework before classes begin. Moreover, they would not be able to miss any life coaching sessions.

Life coaches would also assess the children’s progress and evaluate their families’ financial need. Subsequently, they would determine whether the children are eligible for a one-year scholarship, which would provide full or partial funding based on need. 

Children eligible for the scholarship would include those with special needs who want to acquire life skills. In addition, children from families with low incomes who are not able to afford after-school care would also be able to apply.