Tuesday, November 27, 2018

EQITII Marketplace - Controlling and Monetizing Accumulated Data

A San Francisco inventor with a background guiding the consumer-technology firm Jawbone, Michael Luna has more than three decades of industry experience. Leveraging his Jawbone leadership, Michael Luna presently serves as chief technology officer with the EQITII Marketplace Foundation. The distributed ledger technology organization is seeking to better secure, compensate, and ensure the privacy associated with the global exchange of data.

Each new data point generated added value, the challenge is how to control and exchange data rights within an immense amount of data and ensure fair compensation for the data owner. Placing value on data as a capital asset is a complex undertaking made more challenging by the way in which it is constantly being amassed. EQITII’s mission involves creating a new platform that enables owners to seamlessly control the way their data is used and monetized and to share in the profits gained from the use of their data.

Monday, August 27, 2018

A Look at the Most Current Trends in Telecommunications

A former chief technology officer at Aliphcom (dba Jawbone), Michael Luna is a dedicated thought leader with over 80 issued patents to his name. Outside of his work for firms like Jawbone, Michael Luna possess decades of experience in the telecommunications sector. 

The telecommunications industry has undergone drastic changes in recent years due to a staggering number of technological innovations and the growth of cloud computing. Listed below are a few trends that are shaping this sector today.

1. The Rise of 5G. The telecom industry has been bracing for 5G for years, but 2018 has marked the first time that the technology has been ready for testing. By 2020, telecom companies hope to make 5G a reality for all users.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is making big waves in telecom by offering providers the ability to deliver next-generation services to their customers. From augmented reality to voice recognition, these features are fueling an upturn in highly personalized smartphone offerings and other intelligent services.

3. Big Mergers. Rising stakes in competition have driven an increasing number of telecom giants to undergo mergers with organizations that offer media and content services. For example, AT&T has already considered a possible consolidation with Time Warner, Inc. There has also been talk of other big telecom mergers, including the proposed T-Mobile purchase of Sprint.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Learning Self-Discipline with Martial Arts

Michael Luna, former chief technology officer at Aliphcom dba Jawbone, was instrumental in the development of new and innovative products for the technology company. In addition to his work at Jawbone and other electronics, biomedical, and telecommunications businesses, Michael Luna is passionate about developing positive opportunities for kids. To that end, he is creating a scholarship program to give children a chance to experience martial arts.

Self-discipline, or the ability to control one’s emotions, impulses, and desires, is an essential life skill. The martial arts have long been recognized as an excellent way to teach children to learn and apply self-discipline.

When children begin studying martial arts, they are exposed to ancient, time-proven practices that help participants learn fitness, focus, self-control, and concentration. Each movement in karate, judo, tae kwon do, kung fu, or akido requires intense concentration and control. To master them, children need to persevere and build on previously learned skills so they can develop physical and mental strength and stamina.

Participation in each martial art also can help kids learn to set and reach goals. Rather than striving for a vague, far-off goal, students are guided in a time-honored, step-by-step process that helps them set a realistic vision for what they would like to achieve.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Proposed Scholarship Program Would Assist Latchkey Children

Michael Luna leverages more than two decades of experience in the wireless data industry to his role as the chief technology officer of Aliphcom (dba Jawbone) in San Francisco, where he oversees the creation of sensors and systems for various domains. Outside of his endeavors with Jawbone, Michael Luna is working to establish a scholarship program for latchkey children who may benefit from the structure and discipline offered by equine training and martial arts programs. 

The program would provide eligible children with scholarships to attend a five-week marital arts or equine care program. In order to maintain eligibility for a scholarship, children would need to adhere to several requirements. Their parents must ensure that they attend a minimum of one sparring and training session per week. Children must also agree to regular check-ins with a formal life coach and commit to completing their homework before classes begin. Moreover, they would not be able to miss any life coaching sessions.

Life coaches would also assess the children’s progress and evaluate their families’ financial need. Subsequently, they would determine whether the children are eligible for a one-year scholarship, which would provide full or partial funding based on need. 

Children eligible for the scholarship would include those with special needs who want to acquire life skills. In addition, children from families with low incomes who are not able to afford after-school care would also be able to apply.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Unique Bee Defense Mechanism - The Hot Ball

Michael Luna, an expert in the wireless data industry who has worked with companies such as Jawbone and Seven Networks, loves bees. Michael Luna considers his interest in bees during his work with Jawbone and similar companies, as bees provide insights into the behavior of other social animals, including humans.

One way in which bees behave socially is to band together for mutual safety and defense, and the Japanese honey bee provides an excellent example of this behavior. Some hornets which prey on honey bees present a unique challenge for hive defense, and can easily tear apart a European honey bee colony. To defend themselves, Japanese honey bees swarm onto the hornet in droves and vibrate until they become extremely hot, overwhelming the hornet and ultimately cooking it alive. The bees themselves can withstand higher temperatures than the hornets.

Recent research indicates that the bees' genetics play a role in keeping this form of attack safe for the bees. Once bees reach the temperature that is lethal for the hornet but still safe for them, a gene connected to the sensory region of the bee brain becomes active. Scientists hypothesize that this activity tells the bee that it's reached the “hornet-cooking temperature,” at which point the group stops quivering.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Some Tips for Elk Hunting

The chief technology officer of the San Francisco technology company, Jawbone, Michael Luna has served as primary or supporting inventor on over 80 patents that have been issued. When he is not busy with Jawbone, Michael Luna enjoys fishing and hunting. 

The elk is a large species that is native to Asia and to North America. To hunt elk successfully, hunters have to take a few things into consideration before heading out on excursions. 

First and foremost, experienced elk hunters recommend that newcomers take the time to familiarize themselves with their quarry. This is valuable advice, whatever the quarry. But it is especially important when hunting elks as they exhibit distinct behavior. A hunter who is ignorant about their diets, habitats, and habits is bound to have a hard time hunting them. 

New elk hunters must also be relatively fit and should show up to the hunt well-prepared and equipped to walk long distances. Individuals who cannot hike at a strenuous pace for several hours are not likely to see an elk all day. Other things to keep in mind while planning a first elk-hunting trip include choosing the right rifle or bow, targeting areas that are far from roads, and choosing the appropriate methods for butchering/hauling potential kills.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Preparing a Child for Latch-key Responsibilities